A few scant weeks after the last release, this maintenance version brings some fixes for issues introduced in 4.6.1. The main one is setting the version string correctly in the database during the upgrade process, which otherwise had a tendency to hang on the Languages panel if your site wasn’t in Live mode during the upgrade.

There are also a few CSS tweaks and minor bug fixes, as well as restoring broken RPC functionality, which those of you using desktop blogging editors such as MarsEdit will have noticed.

You can discuss this announcement here.


You can either download from the links below, or from the GitHub project repository directly (please take a minute to ‘star’ our project too if you like it!).

File download


SHA256 checksum a868c05fc37108f2bb5e878cfbcdc61a82ce2646c4676cccb8105a6c6277be7a
File size 1618 kB | Created
File download


SHA256 checksum 77b12daf91a9a2762f9df7b410c43d05e7ab7a12e32614f534f49b910b3ec303
File size 1461 kB | Created

Installation and upgrade

As with all releases, please ensure you log out of your admin side prior to upgrade and refer to the README.txt file in the download archives for detailed instructions.

List of changes

  • Fixed: More complete SQL trace on non-row-based queries.
  • Fixed: Update process for filesystem-only releases.
  • Fixed: Normalise link text in some tag builder tags.
  • Fixed: Incorrect focus ring styling.
  • Fixed: Define Trace in RPC.
  • Added: Better cross-browser support for input type=color.
  • Added: Support for printing of admin panels.
  • Added: Additional Latvian setup translations.

Credits, thanks and support

As with every release, we’re incredibly grateful to everyone who continues to use Textpattern and those who file bug reports and feature requests that make it stronger. We continue to accept Pull Requests, features and bug reports, so keep ‘em coming.

We’re starting work on 4.7.0 in earnest now, so if you’re at all interested in what it will contain, clone the dev branch and have a play. The more eyes we have on it, the better it will be. To that end, if you like the project please star our GitHub page to increase its visibility, and share any success stories you have, either by sending us something to post here on the blog, or publish on your own sites.

We hope that 4.6.2 serves you well, and look forward to delivering further evolutions of our favourite content management system.