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Download current Textpattern CMS release (4.8.8)

File download


SHA256 checksum baf6834f720f50d2863abbc90092248dde1964ca85eadb6f767c46e252740687
File size 2016 kB | Created
File download


SHA256 checksum 5bfa43a67007267a46980fcd0243614e83b46231af0ba1fff5cc0a65628005ba
File size 1772 kB | Created

Current (and previous) releases can also be downloaded from our source code repository at GitHub.

Release documentation

Please note that Textpattern 4.8 requires PHP 5.5 or newer. PHP 8.1 is highly recommended.

Download Textpattern CMS beta (4.9.0-beta.2)

You can either download from the links below, or from the GitHub project repository directly (please take a minute to ‘star’ our project too if you like it!)

File download


SHA256 checksum 468d9b0cedb636d383304ccddc45e8cc0520e59014c2b513a11b0595ae886407
File size 2355 kB | Created
File download


SHA256 checksum 9c378310b87418c56ac1f4df020f3b0021b2e80d69e3c6f8e16b3f40776b72b9
File size 2023 kB | Created
File download


SHA256 checksum 32caff37df8983969ae96d3aa2c663af9550af370556638c4232c9d02763de12
File size 1318 kB | Created

Make sure that if you use this beta release, you also update to the final version when it is released.

Do not use this beta release on a production site unless you have a working backup of both the site’s files and its database and know how to use it.

Please report any issues here, stating the beta version that you are using. Further beta releases may be required prior to the production-grade release, depending on issues reported.


  1. Extract the files to your site (in the web root, or choose a subdirectory). The top-level index.php should reside in this directory, as should the /textpattern/ directory.
  2. Create, or establish the existence of, a working MySQL database, load /textpattern/setup/index.php (or /subdir/textpattern/setup/index.php) in a browser and follow the directions.

Detailed installation instructions.


  1. Log out of the admin side.
  2. Replace the three files in your main installation directory (index.php, css.php and .htaccess) and everything in your /textpattern/ directory (and the /rpc/ directory if you utilise RPC features), except /textpattern/config.php, with the corresponding files in the current release distribution.
  3. Ensure the following directories have server write access:
    1. /images
    2. /files
    3. /themes
    4. /textpattern/tmp
    5. /textpattern/plugins
  4. It is recommended that you flush the browser cache to ensure old cached files are not being used in preference to any newer versions within the upgrade.
  5. When you log back in to the admin side, the latest upgrade script is run automatically. Please take a look at your Diagnostics administration panel to view any errors and check whether the correct version number is displayed.

Detailed Upgrading Instructions.

Latest development builds

Not suitable for production environments. Unsupported.

If you would like to experience the latest Textpattern CMS development version, please download a Zip of the latest development build from the dev branch at GitHub and give it a spin.

Download the latest development build.

Get involved

Textpattern CMS is open source under the GNU General Public License v2.0, and all development takes place on GitHub. User contributions are welcome (and indeed, are enthusiastically encouraged). You don’t have to be a programmer to contribute either, there are lots of other ways to help us out!

All about contributing to the Textpattern project.