Responding to feedback and suggestions from the brilliant beta testers of our first 4.6.0 beta release, we have made some bug fixes and further improvements. Hopefully if no major bugs are reported in this second beta cycle then a stable 4.6.0 release will be very soon!


You can either download from the links below, or from the GitHub project repository directly (please take a minute to ‘star’ our project too if you like it!).

File download

File size 1463 kB | Created
File download


File size 1307 kB | Created

If you’re undecided, take it for a spin first on the demo site kindly hosted by Pete Cooper.

System requirements

Please note that Textpattern 4.6 requires PHP 5.3.3 or newer.

What’s new?

Please see HISTORY.txt for a full list of changes that will appear in the 4.6.0 stable release. Notable changes from the first beta release are:

  • Made preference panes URL-selectable.
  • You can now click on the Textpattern logo to go quickly to whatever panel has been set as default.
  • Admin theme custom CSS file and custom JavaScript file support.
  • Delete icon is now coloured red to highlight importance.
  • Fixed a couple of layout glitches in RTL languages.
  • Minor bug fixes and optimisations, as reported by beta testers.
  • jQuery UI v1.12.0 release.

Beta notes

Make sure that if you use this beta release, you also update to the final 4.6.0 version when it is released.

Do not use this beta release on a production site unless you have a working backup of both the site’s files and its database and know how to use it.

Please report any issues here, stating the beta version that you are using. Further beta releases may be required prior to 4.6.0 stable release, depending on issues reported.