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Blog articles in the Hope for the future category.

The road to Textpattern 5, revisited

A number of people have contacted us to enquire as to the progress of Textpattern CMS 5. We would like to take this opportunity to clarify the future direction of the project.

Textpattern: Generations

Among the sun-drenched skyscrapers of Olde London Town, some virtual strangers with only Textpattern in common met in a pub. With just beer, handheld devices and a network close by, what could they possibly talk about?

Four men and a whiteboard

What happens when you wedge four geeks in a room? Surprisingly little in tangible output, but some great codeworthy exploration and daft pictures. Find out how the North Bristol Textpattern meetup went down.

The road to Textpattern 5

As Textpattern 4.3.0 draws nearer to a release, it’s time to look forward a little to Textpattern 5. This weblog entry holds important information — especially for plugin authors and admin themers — to help gear up now for the proposed changes in Textpattern 5.


The following information has already been stated quite frequently of late, but since the same people are still asking…