Jukka 'Gocom' Svahn joins the Textpattern team
With great pleasure we may announce the latest addition to our team: Jukka ‘Gocom’ Svahn joins the Textpattern core developer team.
With great pleasure we may announce the latest addition to our team: Jukka ‘Gocom’ Svahn joins the Textpattern core developer team.
Textpattern CMS 4.5.2 fixes some non-critical bugs. This release contains no security-related fixes.
Textpattern CMS 4.5.1 fixes a few non-critical bugs which were discovered after the public release of version 4.5.0. This release contains no security-related fixes.
Modernized admin and front-side themes, significant changes to the markup and multi-edit system to remove some old tables and bad practices, AJAX saves on the ‘Write’ panel, a pub/sub hub for client events, more powerful sort options for list tags, security fixes… it’s all going on in Textpattern 4.5.0!
The first beta release of Textpattern CMS 4.5.0 is ready for testing. Please download your own copy, setup a test site, and share your impressions—good or bad.
We are very happy to introduce the newest member of our core team: Phil Wareham.
We are currently working on what will finally become Textpattern CMS 4.5.
Ever thought “I can do things as well as the devs”? Ever wanted to be dev for a day? Now’s your chance to shape Textpattern 5 your way.
Among the sun-drenched skyscrapers of Olde London Town, some virtual strangers with only Textpattern in common met in a pub. With just beer, handheld devices and a network close by, what could they possibly talk about?
What happens when you wedge four geeks in a room? Surprisingly little in tangible output, but some great codeworthy exploration and daft pictures. Find out how the North Bristol Textpattern meetup went down.
People that sail in the murky waters of the Internet know it has its share of predators looking to train their harpoons on unsuspecting software. Please welcome Textpattern CMS 4.4.1 into dock, which adds some much-needed bolts to the hull entrance.
The first release candidate of Textpattern CMS 4.4.1 is ready for testing. Please download a copy, put it through its paces and report any issues you encounter.